This message is being sent to all Duke undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who will be on campus this summer.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
You are receiving this message because our records indicate you are planning to be on campus this summer, whether enrolled in coursework, participating in research, or engaged in a co-curricular program. If your plans have changed and you will not be at Duke this summer, please disregard this message.
This message provides information about our summer COVID-19 protocols. While details of these policies may change, we are sharing this information now to facilitate your planning.
All new and visiting students and program participants who have not yet signed the Duke Compact and a data usage consent form will be required to do so prior to arrival on campus. You will receive the forms in your Duke email account about a week before your program is due to begin in Durham.
The last day of spring 2021 surveillance testing is FRIDAY, APRIL 30. Students will be required to continue completing daily symptom monitoring via SymMon to maintain Duke Card access for the rest of the spring semester.
- Most students will need to complete an entry COVID-19 test to have their DukeCards activated for summer. Some graduate and professional students enrolled in specific programs may be exempt from entry testing; your program director will communicate with you if you do not need an entry test. Otherwise, you should plan to participate in entry testing this summer.
- Entry testing will generally be conducted one day per week, usually on Mondays, starting Monday, May 10. Please visit: for the summer entry testing dates, location and hours. You must participate in entry testing on the date that is closest to the start of your program, or when you need to access campus.
- Students living on campus this summer must go through entry testing before they move into their housing assignment on their approved move-in date.
- Following entry testing, you must sequester in your residence until you receive a negative test result, usually within 24-48 hours.
- Once entry testing is complete, you will be activated in the surveillance testing group for the summer.
- There are no sign-up slots for entry testing for the summer. You just need to arrive during the hours the site is open, on the date closest to the start of your program. For updated hours please visit:
While rising vaccination rates and the gradual loosening of public health restrictions in North Carolina are positive signs, please note that in order to protect the health and wellbeing of the Duke and Durham communities, we will continue COVID surveillance testing throughout the summer.
- Students living on campus this summer are required to complete surveillance testing two times per week, on the days indicated in the test notification emails you will receive from Duke United.
- Summer surveillance testing will begin on Monday, May 10, and will take place Mondays through Thursdays throughout the summer.
- Students living off campus are required to complete surveillance testing at least once per week; you will receive a notification email each week with your test date.
- Summer surveillance testing sites and hours can be found on the Duke United site:
- If you miss a test, your DukeCard will be deactivated at 7 p.m. on the day of the missed test; it cannot be reactivated until the missed test is made up on the next available testing day.
- While we continue to discourage all unnecessary travel during the summer, if a student must leave the Durham area for any period of time, the student is required to complete surveillance testing immediately upon returning to campus. There is no travel form or post-travel quarantine period required.
- All students accessing campus this summer must complete daily symptom monitoring using Duke’s SymMon app.
For all students, both undergraduate and graduate/professional, please be sure to update your COVID vaccination record if you have not done so already.
- If you received the vaccine at any off-campus location, including the Karsh Alumni and Visitors Center: please email a photo of your vaccination card to Student Health at after your vaccine series is completed.
- If you received your COVID vaccine at a Duke Student Vaccination Clinic at Blue Devil Tower or Trent Semans: there is no need to send a copy to Student Health. Please log into your Student Health Gateway to verify that your COVID vaccine record is up to date.
For those of you who have been on campus during this academic year, thank you for your compliance with COVID protocols and your adherence to the Duke Compact. For those of you who will be new to Duke this summer, thank you in advance for following our guidelines and keeping the community safe and healthy.
Wishing you a successful end of the semester and a terrific summer.
Jennifer Francis
Executive Vice Provost
Kyle Cavanaugh
Vice President, Administration