The message is being sent to all Duke undergraduate students.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dear students,

As we did in the fall, we will be sharing regular updates on COVID conduct and compliance this semester. We are proud that the majority of you are working so hard every day to keep your peers and the Duke community safe. As we shared earlier this week, we are at a critical point this semester and we need every single student consistently following the Duke Compact. 

The choices you make each day have a real impact on the health and safety of those around you, and have real implications when it comes to accountability. 

Included below is our first spring semester COVID conduct and compliance update. But before that, we are sharing a few other Student Conduct updates from Jeanna McCullers, Senior Associate Dean and Director of the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. 

A new name: Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards

The Office of Student Conduct is now the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (OSCCS). This is not just a name change. This shift is a reflection of the work the OSCCS deans have been engaging in thus far, and a look forward at the direction of the office. 

Community is at the heart at what we do.

This means we think intentionally about our work and its impact and effects on the campus and Durham communities. We are a part of the university community and consider our role as a conduit—helping to build or bring community together to uphold standards that make community possible and conducive for everyone to thrive.Thanks for engaging in this work with us and please provide suggestions and feedback as we grow!

COVID Amnesty Policy

Reporting incidents of sexual misconduct is vital to maintaining a campus climate free from harassment and sexual violence. Therefore, if the university first learns of a violation(s) of the Duke Compact or the Undergraduate Student COVID Policy Plan as part of a student reporting sexual misconduct, the complainant and witnesses will not be charged with violating these policies. 

We do not want you to avoid reporting sexual misconduct with a fear you may face disciplinary action.

More FAQs related to new Title IX policies and how they apply in Duke policies and procedures can be found on the Office for Institutional Equity website.

It’s a new day for the Student Conduct Board

It’s a new day for the Student Conduct Board

photo of AG Chancellor
Student Conduct Board Co-Chairs A.G. Chancellor and Madison Alvarado (both T’21)

Board Co-chairs A.G. Chancellor T’21 and Madison Alvarado T’21 (both pictured above) are thinking outside the box, revising the selection process for board members and expanding the role of the board through opportunities to engage with the Duke community in meaningful ways beyond hearing panels. They have participated in restorative justice training with Ombudsperson Ada Gregory, and are working with Dean Victoria Krebs to develop OSCCS circle processes as one form of adaptable resolution for cases where students are accepting responsibility and seeking to repair harm.Student Board members will now have the option to participate in trainings to hear cases of discrimination and harassment as well as training for restorative justice and circle processes. We are also developing opportunities for the 2021-2022 academic year for board members to participate in educational outreach opportunities across campus to explore and share trends and strategies for mitigating potential policy violations.

Compliance and Conduct Updates

As we have noted in previous messages, the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards conducts a thorough review of all allegations against students and organizations. If students are found responsible, sanctions depend on the severity of the violations and students’ prior disciplinary history.

 Since January 1, OSCCS has taken the following actions:

8 — Students referred for educational interventions for less severe infractions of the Duke Compact — these outcomes are not part of a student’s disciplinary record.

17 —  Individual sanctions implemented by either the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards or Housing and Residence Life. These actions may become a part of the student’s conduct record and in some cases reportable to graduate schools, study away programs, employers, and other university programs in which a student’s disciplinary record may be a factor in participation.

— Campus organizations placed on interim suspension.

— Administrative Action Hearings held for flagrant violations of COVID policy expectations and the Duke Compact. Flagrant violations include: hosting gatherings, failing to follow quarantine and isolation protocols to protect fellow students, and repeated violations of COVID expectations. 

— Student Conduct Board hearings which have resulted in suspension of one semester or more, along with other varying sanctions. In these cases, some students will be unable to enroll (remotely or in person) in future semesters. 

COVID reminder: Duke-UNC Game

We know it’s a bummer that we can’t celebrate a win over UNC by having a bonfire on Abele Quad (NO post-game bonfire this year, regardless of outcome; individuals participating in or initiating unofficial bonfire celebrations may face prosecution and compromise future bonfire permits), or even by gathering to watch the game together like we may have pre-COVID. Just remember, the sooner we practice safe behavior and get through this pandemic, the sooner we can *light up* these traditions again.

Thank you and go Duke,

Gary G. Bennett
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education  

Mary Pat McMahon
Vice Provost for Student Affairs 

Jeanna McCullers
Senior Associate Dean & Director,
Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards