This email was sent to all faculty on March 15
Dear Colleagues,
A new website, Keep Teaching – located at – is now available to help the Duke community continue teaching and learning while students and faculty cannot meet on campus.
Keep Teaching is designed for Duke faculty and provides information on steps you should take, alternatives to in-class teaching methods, strategies for managing various challenges, useful resources, live and recorded webinars, and a regularly updated list of Frequently Asked Questions. There are also low tech ways to support remote learning. Remember, more important than any technology is your presence and care for your students and the continuity of our learning community.
On the Keep Teaching site you can register for an upcoming virtual workshop. Here are a few of them:
- Effective Online Class Sessions with Zoom, Monday, 3/16, at 4 pm EDST
- Open Discussion: Alternatives for Practice-Based Courses, Tuesday, 3/17, at 10 am EDST
- Open Discussion: Alternatives for STEM Labs, Wednesday, 3/18, at 10 am EDST
- Manage Live and Recorded Student Presentations in Zoom, Wednesday, 3/18, at 4 pm EDST
The Workshops page will be updated regularly so check it often to see upcoming virtual workshops as well as to access those previously recorded.
For technical assistance contact the OIT Service Desk through the web, email ( or phone: (919) 684-2200. For teaching and learning support, visit the Keep Teaching website or email
Sally Kornbluth, Ph.D.
Provost and Jo Rae Wright University Professor