NOTE: The deadline for the booster shot was extended to 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Dear Faculty and Staff,
As communicated earlier, Duke University will now require that all faculty and staff, regardless of work location, receive and show documentation of a completed COVID-19 booster vaccination as a condition of employment. Below are the details regarding compliance:
- All faculty and staff members, regardless of work location, must receive and show documentation of their completed COVID-19 vaccination by 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022, or within 28 days of their eligibility under CDC and state guidelines.
- Those who already have received an exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine requirement are exempt from the booster requirement and do not need to reapply for a new exemption. (Note: weekly COVID test and submission of daily symptom monitoring is required for those unvaccinated).
- Anyone who has not received the booster shot or have an approved exemption by the deadline will be issued a Final Written Warning and placed on administrative leave. (Accrued vacation or discretionary holiday time may be used if available; otherwise, the leave will be unpaid.) After the seven days, anyone not compliant will be terminated and not recommended for rehire.
- Faculty and staff who received their booster through Employee Occupational Health & Wellness (EOHW) do not need to provide additional documentation.
- Those who received the booster in the community (such as a retail pharmacy or a Duke patient clinic), will need to submit an image of their booster vaccination documentation through the confidential Duke VaxTrax system so that our records can be updated accordingly.
Vaccination Locations:
- For booster scheduling options at Duke facilities, visit the Duke COVID Vaccine website. In the community, booster vaccinations are conveniently available at local pharmacies, supermarkets and many other locations listed on the Durham County Department of Public Health website or NC DHHS directory.
Booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and free. While existing data suggests the Omicron variant appears to cause fewer cases of severe illness, it is also much more contagious than the Delta variant and can spread much more quickly, threatening our education, research, and healthcare activities. Getting the booster can help protect you, your friends, and your colleagues, as well as ensure that our hospital and clinical resources are available to support the community during a time of urgent need.
In addition to receiving your COVID-19 booster vaccination, it is crucial to continue to practice safe behaviors to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. Wear a mask at all times in our facilities. Practice good hand hygiene. Maintain a safe distance from others, especially when removing your mask to eat or drink. Thank you for your continued partnership in helping to keep our community safe.
Kyle Cavanaugh,
Vice President, Administration
Carol Epling, MD, MSPH
Director, Employee Occupational Health & Wellness