This message is sent to all Duke University faculty and staff.
March 13, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Over the past several days, we have continued to see a steady rise in the number of undergraduate students testing positive for COVID-19, principally as a result of recent off-campus fraternity-related events. In an effort to mitigate any additional spread of the virus effective immediately we are now directing all undergraduate students to stay-in-place until Sunday, March 21. Please read the message below to understand what that stay-in-place entails.
Those of you teaching in-person classes this spring need to switch to remote delivery this week. The stay-in-place directive does not at the moment include graduate and professional students because we have seen little increase in COVID transmission spread among this population. All graduate and professional classes will continue as planned.
It is important to note that the majority of Duke students, faculty and staff continue to take seriously the practices that have made it possible for us to be together on campus. Unfortunately, though, the actions of those who have disregarded this guidance place others at risk and we must take these steps to protect the health and safety of our community.
Sally Kornbluth
Kyle Cavanaugh
Vice President for Administration
This message was followed by the email sent to Undergraduate Students. That message is available here: